Call for papers-INFUS 2024


INFUS is an acronym for Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems. It is an international research forum to advance the foundations and applications of intelligent and fuzzy systems, computational intelligence, and soft computing for applied research in general and for complex engineering and decision support systems. The principal mission of INFUS is bridging the gap between fuzzy & intelligence systems and real complex systems via joint research between universities and international research institutions, encouraging interdisciplinary research and bringing multidisciplinary researchers together.

It is a great pleasure for us invite you to attend The International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (INFUS 2024), which will be held on July 16-18, 2024. The conference venue will be Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversity (, Çanakkale. Your participation in INFUS 2024 will be an important contribution to ensure a successful event.

Thank you for considering attending this international conference. We look forward to your participation. For additional information please visit the other conference pages at this site:


Intelligent industrial informatics and efficient networks

Intelligent industrial informatics and efficient networks are at the forefront of modern industrial systems. This cutting-edge field integrates advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics, into industrial processes, revolutionizing the way industries operate. By harnessing the power of intelligent informatics, businesses can optimize their operations, enhance productivity, and improve decision-making processes.

One key aspect of this paradigm shift is the implementation of smart sensors and IoT devices, which facilitate real-time data collection and communication. These sensors continuously monitor various parameters, providing a wealth of information on factors like temperature, humidity, pressure, and machine performance. This data is then processed by intelligent algorithms, enabling predictive maintenance strategies and reducing downtime. Moreover, through the application of machine learning, these systems can adapt and learn from historical data, allowing for more accurate and efficient operations over time.

Efficient networks play a pivotal role in this ecosystem, providing the infrastructure for seamless communication and data exchange. High-speed, low-latency networks ensure that information flows effortlessly between devices, enabling timely responses and enabling the coordination of complex manufacturing processes. This network architecture supports the integration of edge computing, where data processing occurs closer to the source, reducing latency and enabling faster decision-making.

Keynote Speakers

  • Janusz Kacprzyk
  • Vicenc Torra
  • Krassimir Atanassov
  • Ajith Abraham
  • Irina Perfilieva
  • Janusz Kacprzyk
  • Ahmet Fahri Özok

Important Dates

  • Deadline for abstract submission: January 15, 2024
  • Final date to submit Full paper submission of accepted abstracts: March 3, 2024
  • Notification of full papers acceptance: March 15, 2024



All accepted papers will be Double Peer Blind Reviewed and the accepted papers will be published as a book by Springer under “Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems” and will be indexed in Scopus, and submitted for consideration in Web of Science.

Publication Opportunity in Conference Associated Journals:

  • Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing (SCI-E)
  • Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Scopus)
  • Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Modeling in Engineering Symmetry (SCI-E)
  • International Journal of Analytic Hierarchy Process (Scopus)
  • Sustainability (SCI-E)
  • Transactions on Fuzzy Sets and Systems
  • Artificial Intelligence Theory and Applications

Special Sessions

Researchers are invited to submit a one-page proposal for a special session to the conference address []. A special discount in registration fee will also be applied to special session organizers.

Program and Social Events

A social program will be organized to Assos, the Museum of Troy, the Ancient City of Troy, and the Trojan Horse.