Promoting Employee Green Values Beyond the Office Walls Through Green HRM Utilizing Employee Environmental Knowledge as a Mediator


  • Md. Amanullah Department of Humanities and Business, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Khulna (9203), Bangladesh
  • Md Motaleb Bhuiyan Human Resources Department, ASA International, Dhaka (1207), Bangladesh
  • Dip Das Treasury Division, Mercantile Bank PLC, Dhaka (1000), Bangladesh



Green HRM, Green Values, Environmental Knowledge, Out-of-work Behavior, Employee Value Orientation, Employee Green Behavior, Environmental Behavior, Environmental Crisis


Organizations are adopting green initiatives in response to global environmental crises and climate shifts. While previous research has examined how green HRM affects employees' in- role and extra-role working behaviors, less is known about how it influences employees' behavior outside of work due to their green values (GV) that develop because of implementing organizational green actions. The study addresses the issue, while also considering employees’ environmental knowledge (EK) as a mediating factor, utilizing social learning theory and psychological contract theory. Data were collected using the convenience sampling method, where the sample size was 320, from ten selected large-sized ceramic companies operating in Bangladesh. The structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the data. Results infer that green HRM effectively enhances EK among employees and redirects their GV beyond the workplace. Additionally, EK substantially and positively mediates between the green HRM and GV relationship. The conclusions correspond to the recommendations are indicated in the relational psychological contract theory and the social learning theory. The findings have imperative theoretical and managerial ramifications since they address the knowledge gap in the literature and outline knowledge enhancing green HRM practices that organizations may adopt to improve their green performance. The study also outlines actions for adopting green HRM activities in organizations, aligning the scope for improving employees’ EK and giving them the opportunities to practice green actions for sustainable social outcomes through their increased sense of GV.


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How to Cite

Md. Amanullah, Bhuiyan, M. M., & Das, D. (2024). Promoting Employee Green Values Beyond the Office Walls Through Green HRM Utilizing Employee Environmental Knowledge as a Mediator. Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, 14(3).


