The Spatial Symmetry Axis of Earthquake Hazard in China


  • Junping Yan Shaanxi Normal University
  • Shuangshuang Li Shaanxi Normal University
  • Jing Bai
  • Xinyan Liu


Earthquake; The spatial symmetry; Dynamics; Physical basis


Natural disaster risk assessment is one of the hot fields of the study of natural disaster. It is of theoretical and practical significance to accurately identify the trend of natural disasters. Not all the natural disaster has the quality of spatial symmetry, only some disasters during some certain periods (active period) and some certain regions share this quality, which requires substantial research work to distinguish. This paper takes the spatial symmetry axis of earthquake hazard in china as the key of assessing natural disaster risk to emphatically analyze the rationality of the existence of the spatial symmetry axis of the regions of western china, Yunnan province and Taiwan and find out the dynamics basis of spatial symmetry axis combing with those presentational features, so as to provide some theoretical thinking and methods for reference to identify the time, spatial trends of the earthquake disaster occurrence. The results show that the earthquakes have the quality of spatial symmetry in certain regions and the symmetry has the basis of dynamics, which can work as the basis of the regional earthquake trend. And further improvements are needed to judge the earthquake trend to combine the spatial imagery, dynamics basis and physical mechanism.


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How to Cite

Junping Yan, Shuangshuang Li, Jing Bai, & Xinyan Liu. (2021). The Spatial Symmetry Axis of Earthquake Hazard in China. Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, 3(1). Retrieved from


