About the Journal

Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal that publishes both high-quality academic and application-oriented papers in the field of risk analysis and crisis response, plus reviews and popular sciences, communications, etc. We welcome submissions from the field of risk analysis and crisis response and it’s any relevant fields. Read full Aims & Scope

The Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response is currently indexed in the Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, DOAJ, MIAR, CrossRef, GETIT@YALE (Yale University Library), EBSCO and Scopus.

This is an open access journal, i.e. all articles are immediately and permanently free to read, download, copy & distribute. The journal is published under the CC BY-NC 4.0 user license which defines the permitted 3rd-party reuse of its articles.

No fees will be charged for articles and no surcharges will apply for the length of an article, for illustrations and figures (including color figures), and for supplementary data unless noted otherwise.


Current Issue

Vol. 14 No. 3 (2024)
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